WHY do I do what I do?

We may have stories of:
- pain / suffering
- abuse
- despair
- broken relationships
- broken dreams
- battles with mental health and relationships
We all have a story within us, that has shaped us into the person we are today. My 'why' is to help move you towards 'Hope and Empowerment'.
Whatever your story, starting line, I pray that by being authentic and sharing with you my battles and struggles, my hurts and pains, the pits of despair, by facing these head on using my ARC model, I was able to transform my life and start to live a life of hope and empowerment.
My Why is to help move you towards Hope and Empowerment, so that in your life, you can use your past stories to help transform your future and the future of those around you, helping move towards hope and empowerment.
Educate ♥ Empower ♥ Promote
I am a Further and Adult Education Teacher, Corporate Mental Health Facilitator and First Aid Mental Health Instructor. I have an ACC level 2 qualification in counselling, although I do not class myself as a counsellor.

I have experienced first-hard the impact of both positive and negative responses to mental health within the workplace, having experienced a breakdown many years ago. I now use my experience to help others.
As an Advocate for Mental Health. I believe that by working constructively and proactively with employers, managers and individuals, mental health in the workplace can be managed. This can result in all parties finding themselves in a win-win situation as they learn to work together and build trust and loyalty.
This is evidenced when employers see a reduction in sick days and an increase in presenteeism within the workplace.
I also believe that as individuals learn more about their own mental health and how to support one another, relationships will become stronger and individuals will feel loved and valued.
I have worked in the training and development industry for nearly 25 years, predominantly in corporate companies teaching business process and systems training,. There I saw the impact of both poor mental health and mental illness. During this time, I sought to help both those in need and educate those around them about mental health and its impact in the workplace.
I particularly remember, one person who came to me one day to say, thank you for the way I had opened up the course. She shared with me how worried she had been the night before, to the point that it was making her sick in the night. Chatting to her she said, she was terrified of being asked to share anything other than her name in the course introduction. Have you ever felt like that? I know, I have.
There were times, particularly in my early days of training, where I would be up most of the night being sick, terrified of the day ahead (although I loved what I did). But, for me, that fear and sickness is what drove me to deliver my training and enabled me to see how others in the room might be feeling.
I have seen the impact of poor mental health in the workplace and how it leads to an increase in sick days and a reduction in presenteeism. Therefore, I am passionate about helping and educating people around mental health issues and helping companies see the benefits of working with people who are experiencing mental health issues.
I believe poor mental health or mental illness does not need to hold a person back but can be a platform for helping them be the best that they can be.
I underpin training on the verse, 'Love your neighbour as yourself', and encourage everybody to manage their own wellbeing, so that they can support themselves and others effectively.
"Love your neighbour, as yourself." (Matthew 22:38)
I am also passionate about reducing the stigma associated with mental health which so often prevents and hinders people from accessing the help and support they so desperately need.
I had always planned to moved into mental health advocacy and the pandemic became my opportunity to move that plan forward. This is partly, as like so many others, I struggled with the pandemic, it took me to very dark places and suicidal thoughts. That's when I decided I have two options, I can either continue the way I was, or use my experiences to help and support others. I choose the latter. Therefore, I spent time training to become a mental health instructor and a corporate mental health facilitator. I also spent time setting up a training platform and aim to bring together a community that not only learns together, but empowers them to be the best that they can be and promote a greater understanding of mental health and its impact on people's lives.
As an approved instructor. I deliver FAA (First Aid Award) Mental Health courses, in association with nuco training (the approved centre for the FAA qualification).

As an approved instructor. I deliver FAA (First Aid Award) Mental Health courses, in association with nuco training (the approved centre for the FAA qualification).
I strive for professionalism in all my relationships.
As well as being a member of the Learning and performance institute, I am on the membership board.
As well as being a member of the Learning and performance institute, I am on the membership board.

Who we are
SGC Consultants Ltd trading as Prioritise Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Company registration: 06303924
VAT number: 913 0899 20
ICO: ZB318545
Company registration: 06303924
VAT number: 913 0899 20
ICO: ZB318545
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