SGC Consultants Ltd
trading as
Prioritise Mental Health and Wellbeing

Diversity and inclusion Policy

Dated: 3 December 2021

Our diversity and inclusion commitment

The Company is committed to a policy of treating every individual equally.
No person will receive less favourable treatment on the basis of any ‘protected characteristic’, namely;

  • Race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin)
  • Religion or belief
  • Disability
  • Age
  • Gender or gender reassignment
  • Sex or sexual orientation
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Marriage or civil partnership

No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated. We stand against all forms of;
  • Direct discrimination
  • Indirect discrimination
  • Victimisation
  • Harassment

We encourage any concerns to be communicated to

All individuals or companies who represent the company or operate on behalf of the company are expected to comply with this Diversity and Inclusion policy. This applies to expressions of views on social media and any circumstances which may affect our reputation – our commitment to diversity and inclusion is very important the company.

We will select suppliers and partners based on suitability and ability. We will not discriminate against any presence or absence of a protected characteristic.

We are committed to operating in an environment that promotes dignity, equality and respect for all, and to regular monitoring to ensure we are always conducting our business in accordance with this policy.
The company aims to value and encourage diversity and will partner with, employ, use the services of individuals that are representative of the wider community.

Our purpose

The Company shall actively promote a culture that values differences and which recognises people from different backgrounds will, through their experiences, share valuable insights which shall enhance the way we work.

Diversity means celebrating and respecting our differences and valuing everyone.

We are thrilled to share in, value and benefit from the contributions of every individual.

Our purpose is to break down barriers, eliminate discrimination and ensure equal opportunities and access throughout our business operation and our services.

We believe we all have a part to play to prevent discrimination and to promote diversity and equality in society.
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