Book Sue as a speaker

Sue is passionate about mental health and seeing people live their life in greater freedom by finding hope.

Sue is available for speaking opportunities, sharing her story of her battles with Mental Health and how she was able to implement her ARC model of recovery to live a life of Hope and Empowerment.
Sue grew up believing she would never amount to anything and had a label on her head saying, here I am, 'Use me' 'Abuse me', 'Hurt me', that is my role in life.

Sue shares her battle with a 2 year battle with a breakdown where she was diagnosed with PTSD. Her battle to keep going after a suicide attempt and her continued battle suicidal thoughts.

Sue has always be driven to be an overcomer and not let life defeat her, and as such shares her story to help others realise that their dreams can come true.

She is an international author, advocate, inspirational speaker, trainer, coach, and facilitator and is passionate about raising the profile of mental health. She uses her life experience, her ACC level 2 in counselling qualification, along with being a Corporate mental health facilitator and a first aid mental health instructor. Helping people see that they have a voice and they can be heard, helping others to also see how they can help and support those with mental health issues.


Invite Sue to speak to your group to share more of her story and how each of us can move from Despair to Hope and Empowerment. 


Sue shares the impact church has played on her mental health and how churches can seek to build greater relationships with those within the congregation


Sue share the impact mental health has played on her life in the workplace and how by working together workplaces and build stronger work environments and greater relationships

ARC model

Sue is passionate about her ARC model and how it has helped her and others move forward in their life. She welcomes the opportunity of sharing more of this model with others.

Email Sue

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From Despair to Hope
Here I am - Empowered

This book talks of Sue's person struggles with mental health and the ARC model she put in place to help move her through from Despair to Hope and Empowerment. 

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